The 2008 apprenticeship has concluded, the apprentices have headed home, and it's really quiet around here. Here are some pictures from our final dinner last week. I miss these people!
All the girls...
Sarah and Natalie and me... Sarah and I have been mentoring Natalie over the past couple months. And eating a lot of cookies together.
It makes me sad to type the title of this post--this year's apprenticeship will end in two weeks! Saturday night was our big year-end celebration. We invited over 60 people--friends, ministry partners, community members--to Pangani for dinner. It was a bittersweet time. It was amazing to look back on the year and celebrate all that God's done over the past months. And it was sad to have yet another reminder that the 2008 apprenticeship is almost over. And, I might add that the apprentices did an amazing job of planning and pulling off the event. All I had to do was carve some chicken...